If It Floats, It May Be Subject To Property Taxes
- This category of property includes jet skis, yachts, cruise ships, and everything in between.
- Boats and personal watercraft are valued annually as of lien date, January 1.
- The Low-Value Ordinance Exemption has been increased to $10,000. Property valued at $10,000 or less will be exempt. This exemption does not require any action on the part of taxpayers to claim.
Taxes on Moorings and Boat Slips
Private use of public property is taxable under certain conditions. If you rent or lease a mooring or boat slip from a city or the County, you may receive a property tax assessment if:
- You are using facilities owned by a government agency (city, county, state, school district, etc.).
- Your right to use government-owned property is independent, durable and exclusive.
- You are not a government agency.

State of California Publications
The California Board of Equalization publishes a series of Assessor's Handbooks to provide guidance to local Assessors, refer to the handbook on Assessment of Vessels (AH 576) for more information.